Taylor and Sitka posing.
All to often one of two things happen either we don’t have a training program or we cannot decide which to use. It does not take a certificate or degree to be successful in training your own dog, especially to be a loyal pet. Don’t get me wrong an experienced trainer can work magic and accomplish much in a short time. Most people don’t need their dog trained to be a movie star like Lassie. All dogs should know basic obedience like how to walk on lead, sit, stay, come, heel, and good house manners. With patience and consistency anyone can train their dog in these basic areas. As far as malamutes go they are very intelligent, but do learn differently than many other breeds. Acquiring your puppy from someone who is willing to mentor you and answer questions along the way is about the most useful thing a puppy owner can have. Recourses are infinite on the internet with more options than anyone can possibly get through. There are as many training programs as there are dog trainers, but all the most successful trainers have a couple things in common. They all stick to their program, are consistent, patient, and caring with their furry friends. So truly just pick a program you feel will fit you and be patient and consistent. It really is that easy with just the help of a caring breeder most can successfully get their dog to a level that they are happy with. Start training your puppy young and remember if correction comes only after understanding. A puppy gains understanding and confidence through time spent with a patient caring trainer.
Young Mayah getting to know Dakota.