Teton Malamutes: Socialize Your Puppy to Success

Patiently teaching puppy to sit making everything positive builds confidence.

Nothing is better for a young puppy than snuggles and lots of contact.

Just a short hike can bring you miles!

A swim with the family on a warm day.

Good socialization makes everyone feel like part of the family even the furry ones.  Sometimes the new member of the family may need to be reminded who is the alpha in the family, but this doesn’t have to spoil the day for everyone.  Patience and consistency are the key and will get you further than being heavy handed.  Teach your puppy to trust and respect you while he/she is young so when you have a big dog on your hands a simple reminder is all that is needed to correct.  Even if it is more work to bring along your puppy or grown dog the extra effort pays off.  Whether going on a fishing trip, a hike, picnic, or for a swim taking along your puppy will grow your bond.  It is not always easy to train a puppy or bring them along on an adventure, but the pay off is a bond with your dog that cannot be  broken.

Teton Malamutes: The secret is to have fun!

Chinook starts her hike with  the sun glowing orange in the distance from all the smoke from Montana’s wildfires.


Chinook loved hiking with her pack for the first time


After years of raising dogs or (being raised by dogs) I have learned that if you aren’t having fun your furry friend likely feels the same. Make every training experience end on a good note. Every time you pick up a leash or pack your dog should be excited. Obviously there are times when you must be stern especially with an Alaskan malamute, but don’t let that carry on through the day. Alaskan malamutes love to work, if given the opportunity and done so correctly, as do most breeds. Today was Shinook’s first hike with a very light pack. My goal was simply to get her used to the pack while going through the back country with just enough weight for her to notice. Maiden voyages like this are not the time to be strick relax and let your dog have fun. Remember dogs have a short attention span and malamutes are definitely not an exception. Keep training short and sweet repetition and consistency are the key, and above all have fun and smile. With time, consistency, and a smile you will become a close team no task being impossible.